Stop redesigning your website.

Start treating it as a core product. Start using it to drive leads and revenue.

Schedule a discovery session

Discovery Call with Kaleidico - Bill Rice

Kaleidico is rethinking how we deliver mission-critical websites that generate leads and revenue to their organizations. This new approach starts by questioning the current status quo in web design and development.

Why do we blow up websites every couple of years?

All of us have a website. Yet, I bet you’re not using your site to its full potential.

All of your prospects and existing customers are visiting your website. That website is the primary destination for new prospects and existing customers interested in your business.

Yet, very few company websites are truly positioned at the center of their business operations or even at the center of sales and marketing operations.

This misalignment begins with the Day 2 Problem.

Immediately after the launch of a new website obsolescence sets in.

This approach is obsolete and counterproductive

Razing and rebuilding websites is an arcane approach to software development. All commercial software is incrementally iterated and improved. Over the last couple of decades, this has become the standard because software is mission-critical to businesses’ and consumers’ daily workflow.

Why then do we redesign websites from the ground up? This practice is obviously strategically and financially inefficient.

In order to put your website at the center of your business operations, these are some important strategic questions.